Green Smoothies 101

I ❤ Green Smoothies and today’s post is dedicated to this favourite drink of mine!  A green smoothie is basically a smoothie blend of both fruits and green vegetables. It’s healthy, delicious and makes a great meal substitute! Just like how there are caffeine addicts out there, I’ve coined myself a Green smoothie addict because if I don’t have my fix for 2 straight days.. I feel really weird!

I’ve been bring my green smoothies to work daily and my new colleagues have been fascinated with the large green jar on my table. Just the other day, I was having a discussion with an interested co-worker about green smoothies and thought it would be a great idea to share what I know here too.

So before I start converting you, let’s start with the most basic question:


Why do I love Green Smoothies so much?
It tastes GREAT!!
It’s high in nutrition value, has loads vitamins and full of live enzymes
It gives me a burst of energy to kick start my day.
It gives me my daily required intake of fruits and veggies EASILY
Aids digestion
Gives me clearer skin
Its fuss free
And probably the most palatable way to consume large amounts of vegetables.

If you’re sold, lets start!

I’ve racked my brains to remember all the questions I’ve ever got asked about Green Smoothies and I hope this FAQ I’ve come up with is comprehensive enough. If not, feel free to leave a question in the comments section and I’ll try my best to answer you!

1)Is Juicing the same as Blending?
Nope, they are different.

Juicing involved extracting the juice and water of the fruit/vegetable while discarding the fibrous pulp. Juices are easily digestible since your body doesn’t need to work process the fibre and are extremely high in nutrients. Try to opt for green juices or juices that mix fruits and vegetables because fruit juices are quite high in sugar and can spike your blood sugar level.
Unlike juicing, blending contains the whole fruit and vegetable including the fibre. The blending process breaks down the fibre making the drink more digestible and gives an even release of nutrients into the blood stream. Because of the fibre, blended drinks tend to make you full longer. They are also much faster to make!

2)What type of fruits can I use for blending?
You can use almost all types of fruits for blending! When necessary, remove the skin, seeds and core of fruits before blending them.

3)What type of liquid can I use for my smoothies?
You can use water, non-dairy milk (like almond, cashew, soy, hemp milk), coconut water and fresh fruit juice.

4)What type of vegetables can I use to blend?
I recommend using leafy vegetables that have very neutral tastes such as baby spinach, romaine and kale. Vegetables that have very strong flavours such as arugula and cabbage

5)What equipment do I need?
You’ll need a blender, a juicer (not necessary but a plus if you have), a chopping board and a sharp knife.

6)What type of blender do you use?
I use a Vitamix and I highly recommend it! Or you can use any high-powered blender as it can break down the fruits and fibre easily.

7)How much smoothie do you drink in a day?
I drink one large green smoothie in the morning …from 1L – 1.5L (or 50oz).

8)How are you able to drink so much liquid?!
Initially I couldn’t drink so much at one go and it took a bit of time to get used to drinking so such a large amount. Start with one large cup and increase and decrease the amount you drink each day as your body gets used to it.

9)Is having a green smoothie as a meal filling?
It totally is! A typical smoothie keeps me full for around 3hours. Even longer when I use heavier ingredients like bananas and dates. Plus it gives me a huge boost of energy to kick off the day.

10)Can you taste the vegetables?
Probably the most common question I get asked all the time. And no, I hardly taste the vegetables because the sweetness and flavours of the other ingredients balance it out! It is honestly the most palatable way to consume your vegetables! But do take note that the type of vegetables you use will affect how your smoothie tastes (see Q4 above).


11) How much fruits and veggies do you buy a week and is it costly?
Here’s what goes into a week’s worth of green smoothies:

–       2 boxes of organic baby spinach,
–       1.5 pineapples
–       2 bunches of bananas
–       1 box strawberries
–       1 box of 4 kiwis
–       2 peaches
–       8 oranges
–       2 avocadoes

Total cost: $35.10 or around $5 per day for a 1.5 large green smoothie. That’s really affordable  as compared to the 400ml-500ml smoothies you buy in town that costs around $6.80. Plus I’m pretty sure those don’t contain as many fresh ingredients. So as much as possible, blend at home if you can. It’s easy and helps you save money!

12) How do I start building a smoothie
I always start off with a base and then add complimentary fruits and vegetables. Use fruits that give volume and are sweet- like banana and manago. Add 2 – 3 fruits that go well with your base fruit and end off with some vegetables.

green smoothie

13) How do you find time to blend your smoothies in the morning?
Another question I get asked all the time! People assume I’m really hardworking and get up really early to prepare my smoothie, but the truth is, it only takes me 10 min or less to prepare my smoothies every morning! The trick is to plan plan and plan.

I like to buy a whole ton of different fruits (not vegetables) and pre-pack them in advance. I portion them into servings for each day and pack them in zip lock bags. I then store them in the freezer. So each morning, I simply take out one packet of pre-pack smoothie and pop it in the blender together with my desired amount of vegetables and water and let the magic begin.
*if you’re not using a high-speed blender, it may be hard to blend frozen fruit. So I would suggest setting it out to thaw before you blend it.

14) What do you store your green smoothies in?
I try to drink my smoothies immediately after I blend (that’s the best!). But when I bring them to work or have them on the go, I store them in mason jars. For where to find Mason jars in Singapore, click here.


15) Why aren’t my green smoothies green?
Surprise surprise, most green smoothies are, (ironically), not green! It all depends on the combination of fruits and vegetables you use in your smoothies. For eg, if you use blueberries in your smoothies, depending on the amount, it could turn the smoothie a beautiful rich purple or a very murky brown.
However don’t worry about the colour, non-green looking smoothies taste just as good! One trick to guarantee that your smoothies turn out green is to combine white to yellow tone fruits with the vegetables (eg, pineapples, mangoes, peaches etc).

16) What else can I add in my smoothies to increase the nutritional content?
Besides fruits and vegetables, you can increase the nutritional content of your smoothie by adding ingredients such as

  • Super food powders (eg, spirulina powder, maca powder)
  • Vegan protein powders
  • Cacao powder
  • Oils (eg, coconut oil)
  • Seeds (eg, hemp seeds, flax seeds )
  • Spices (eg, cinnamon powder)
  • Liquid sweeteners (eg, agave nectar)
  • Others like goji berries, nut butters, dates etc


Recipes please?
Based on the fruits and vegetables I’ve listed in Q11, here are a basic recipes you can try:
The following recipes make 1 – 1.5 L of green smoothies, reduce the amount of fruit and water if you don’t want such a large amount.
Add 1 – 2 cups of spinach and 1- 2 cups of water depending on your desired consistency.

a)       2 wedges x Pineapple, 1  x ripe Kiwi, 5 – 6 Strawberries , 1 x ripe Banana
b)       1 wedge x Pineapple, 1 x ripe Kiwi, 1 x Orange, 1 x ripe Banana
c)       1 wedge x Pineapple, 2 x ripe Kiw, 1.5 x ripe Banana
d)       2  wedges  x Pineapple, 2 x ripe Peach, 1 cup orange juice
e)       2 wedges x Pineapple, 2 x Orange, 1 x ripe Banana
f)        2 x ripe Banana, 10 Strawberries, 1 cup Orange juice ,
g)      2 x ripe Banana, 6 – 8  Strawberries , 1 x Orange, 1 x ripe Peach
h)      2 x ripe Banana,  1 x ripe avocado ,  1 cup orange juice  (with some orange rind)

Tip –
* Always make sure your fruits are cold/frozen. Warm smoothies are really gross
* Add ice cubes to get the beautiful frosty texture
* Start with a small amount of liquid and add more till you find the consistency you desire.
* Similarly, if you’re ensure of the taste, start off with 1 cup of vegetables first, and add more if you find it palatable enough.

Once you’ve mastered the basic smoothie, get creative and use different types of liquid, fruits and vegetables! My last piece of advice to you would be to HAVE FUN and don’t be afraid to try!

Going 801010 – Day 1 to 10 and FAQS

Hi All,

Sorry for the lack of posts! Been extremely busy last week – running errands, interviews, catching up with friends and preparing something exciting for Eat Green Cake *hint hint*! And erm I’ve also be binge watching the entire season 5 of Breaking Bad….How awesome is the finale?? ALL HAIL WALTER WHITE!

Anyway wanted to write about how the first 10 days of going 80/10/10 has been. I have to be honest here; I was pretty diligent for the first 5 days….but not so much the next 5 days because of the long weekend and social obligations.



(picture from Fully Raw Krisztina)

The first few days were actually quite a breeze for me because I LOVE fruit. I ate as much fruit as and when I wanted. I also made light salads when I started craving food that wasn’t so sweet. On the 5th day, I started getting a very bad migraine. Wasn’t sure if it was because I wasn’t sleeping well or because the detox effects were kicking in. Either way, it went away on day 6 because I started to eat non-raw food. I think I’ll have to go on the 801010 on a longer period before I can give you a more accurate account of my experience.

Even though I’ve went off track the past couple of days, I’ve started gearing up again on Wednesday! That’s also something I’d like to address when it comes to fasts and detoxes. If you fail and fall off the bandwagon, the most important thing is not to give up, be discouraged. I know of friends (and myself too) who have gone on fasts and detoxes only to break their streak by giving in to their cravings midway….and then deciding “what the heck, since I’ve already broken the fast, might as well just eat what I like”. Hey, its not the end of the world if you have a cheat meal. No biggie, just pick yourself up and continue where you left off!

I’ve compiled a few common questions about going on a Low Fat Raw Vegan lifestyle:


What do you eat on a daily basis

I start of the day with a LARGE jar of green smoothie, normally made with a bananas, a sweet/citrus fruit and organic vegetables. Try an easy combination of  2 ripe frozen bananas + flesh of 1 mango + 1 cup of organic baby spinach + 1 cup cold water.  Lunch is normally a salad with only lemon juice as a dressing. Dinner will be a fruit platter of my favourite fruits. In between meals, I also munch on, you guessed it, more fruits!

So … I can eat as much as I want?

The 801010 diet claims that you can eat unlimited amounts of fruits each day and still lose weight  and hit your nutritional intake *gasp*!  Sounds too good to be true? Well I’ve tried, tested it out, and did abit more research…..and yes its too good to be true. The 801010 diet is ideal for endurance athletes because of the high amounts of carbs consumed. But even if you’re not an Olympic runner, you can still follow this diet as long as you keep active. So you can eat alot of fruit but you need to make sure you set aside time for exercise. For my first 5 days of the 801010 diet I actually put on weight *sob* because I didn’t have time to exercise

Are there any side effects?

Some side effects from going such a detox include

–       Migraines, Flu like symptoms, pimples, lethargy, body ache etc

It’s pretty common because its your body’s way detoxifying itself by getting rid of all the piled up toxins inside you. Do read this article that will do a much better job at explaining. Note that side effects vary from person to person.

 What is a mono- meal and must I eat this way?

Eating a mono meal meals eating ONE fruit per meal …and normally its a large portion of that one fruit. The reason behind eating a mono meal is simple – different fruits take different amount of time to digest. And eating the same fruit actually makes it simpler and less complicated for your body to digest the food since it doesn’t need to sort them out. A 80/10/10 lifestyle highly encourages you consume mono meals to aid digestion.

* This is something I struggle with because I love variety! Am not sure how people are able to eat 6 – 8 bananas in one go…because I sure as hell can’t. But I’m trying to pace my eating by consuming smaller amounts of one fruit each time, giving it some time to digest , then eating a different fruit.  Or simply blend 3 – 4 bananas in a go for a yummy smooothie!

How do I get enough calories from just mainly fruits?

– You will definitely need to consume more to hit your calorie intake. I recommend that you start off the day with a HUGE smoothie – my typical smoothie contains at least 600 – 700 calories. Its easily digestible, gives you the energy to start off your day and helps if you’re not used to eating large amounts of fruit. Sometimes I have a smoothie for diner too! I also downloaded the Cron-0-meter app on android to track the amount of calories I’m getting so as not to under-eat. This app is pretty awesome! It not only tracks your calorie intake but also tracks if you are getting enough of your daily nutrients. See the screen shot I took. Another tip, try to exercise in the morning so it kick starts your appetite and metabolism for the day. I also eat more during the day when I do yoga in the morning.

Even though the diet suggests that you eat as much fruit as you want, I also think you should not take that as a green light to stuff your face with fruit every living second. The most important thing is to find a balance between listening to your body, making sure you get enough calories and doing some exercise.

Should I take supplements?

In Dr Graham’s book, he deosn’t recommend taking additional supplements because fruits and exercise should adequately provide the important nutrients that we need. But I do beg to differ. After looking at my Cron-o-meter chart for the first 5 days, its kinda obvious that I don’t consume any Vitamin B12 or D. So I still take my regular Vit B and Multi Vit supplements.


Is eating 801010 expensive?

For me, its actually pretty much the same as my High Fat Raw Food lifestyle. I spend ALOT on raw nuts, sweeteners, superfoods etc…now I just transfer to cost to fruits! I don’t buy very expensive fruits either. My staples are bananas, papayas, apples, dragon fruit and oranges. I try to buy fruits that are on sale too – like berries or those really ripe ones because it tastes great in smoothies!

One way to help you lessen the cost is to plan your meals. I find that when I don’t plan my meals, especially when I’m outside, I have to buy the most available option and that’s usually costly. (Seriously the cost of fruits in town are crazy!)

Is eating 801010 too restrictive?

I wont’ deny, it is. I’ve heard everything from “wow you’re so extreme”/ “ How do you enjoy life?”to “Why make life so difficult?”…. haha. I really think this is a personal choice –  finding the right lifestyle that suits you and having fun with it.  I’ve also learnt to be flexible and choose the next best option when the time calls for it.

Can I eat dried or dehydrated fruits?

In Dr Graham’s book, he discourages eating too much dried and dehydrated food because these are no longer whole foods. I still take a handful here and there…am not super strict on this myself.

Will share more in the coming days!

Going 80/10/10

Hello All,

Today I wanna share with you how I’m going to go Back To Basics with the 80/10/10 Raw Vegan diet over the next few weeks. But first …



The 801010 diet was coined by Dr Douglas Graham, a long time raw foodist and athlete. This diet is essentially a low fat version of the Raw Foods Diet  and promotes that you should get 80% of your daily intake from fruit/veg carbohydrates, 10% from protein(non-animal sources) and 10% comes from whole fat sources, such as avocado and raw nuts. Dr Graham who has been a raw foodist for almost 30 years claims that this ratio optimises one’s energy, ability to maintain weight and boost athletic performance. A typical meal a day consists of consuming large amounts of fruits, some leafy vegetables and a small amount of nuts and seeds. As compared the the typical Raw Foods Diet which is more highly laden with fat because of the large consumption of nuts, seeds, oils and sweeteners.


When I  started my raw foods lifestyle a few years ago, my meals were very basic. I didn’t own any fancy equipment like a blender, a food processor or a dehydrator. All I had was a chopping board and a peeler. My knowledge of raw foods was very limited –  My meals consisted mostly of fruits, large raw salads , nut milks and small portions of raw nuts and seeds. I felt great, full of energy, positivity, had a stabilised weight and most of all healthy – alll the benefits of going RAW! Looking back, I unknowingly started off my raw foods journey as a Low Fat Raw Vegan eater.

If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that this year, I quit my corporate job to work at a raw food restaurant in Singapore. It was such an eye opener for me! I got introduced to a wider spectrum of the raw cuisine and the  many possibilities . I started consuming alot more complex raw meals (like raw pizzas, burgers, sauces, cakes) which used a range of ingredients and different techniques (from soaking, sprouting, marination, dehydration etc). You have to give it up to raw foodists/vegans – they manage to recreate all their familiar favourites in a way that is in line with their ethics while feeling no sense of deprivation. Oh and i loved and embraced this new way of eating raw! The creativity, the flavours, the endless possibilities… i was hooked!

I have a huge weakness for desserts. While I was at the Living Cafe, on top of the raw meals, I ATE SO MUCH RAW DESSERTS. Seriously, I’m not kidding you. It was like Buffet Town everyday and “eating in moderation” was not a slogan i identified with.

The result? I put on around 3Kg in 7 months…and even more after I came back from London last month. Though I’ve finished my stint at the Living Cafe, my love for high fat, complex raw foods stayed. I always have raw chocolate and some sort of raw dessert in my fridge, and basically use nuts and sweeteners in almost all my dishes (from appetizers to mains to snacks). Even when I’m not making raw foods, I make vegan dishes that similarly use lots of nuts and oils too. I slowly started feeling more bloated/sluggish and because my digestive tract is very sensitive, I also got constipated more easily. But I didn’t listen to my body and continued eating the way I did.

Last month, after undergoing a 5 day juice cleanse, I felt GREAT! After the fast ended I went back to my normal way of eating raw foods and then the bloatedness/weight came back. I was actually quite demoralized. Like…what was I doing wrong? I’m wasn’t eating anything unhealthy! Then while scrolling through Instagram around 1 week plus ago, one my favourite instagrammers (@Serenesayyian) mentioned that she was going on a 801010 cleanse.  I read up abit more bout this 801010 diet …and the more I read up and researched, the more I realised what went wrong – I was eating a High Fat Raw Vegan diet.  And I decided it was time for a change. Time to go back to basics.



While happily indulging on guilt-free raw meals, its easy to forget that though these meals may not contain unhealthy stuff like dairy products or animal fat, they are not devoid of fats and calories. Especially so for raw desserts as they seem to be missing the large quantities of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals that come from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Take a typical raw cake for example – its made up of 60-70% nuts, uses natural sweeteners (like agave, xyltiol), coconut oil,  fruits high in fat like coconut and avocados and cacao/cacao butters. Likewise, a raw pizza uses a nutty/grainy base, marinated raw vegetables (ie, marinated in oils & seasoning) and mostly nut/oil based dressings.



This was the first question that came to my mind when I read about a High Fat Raw Vegan Diet. Surely the fat that comes from nuts, seeds and plants are healthier than saturated or trans fats right? And aren’t there many studies that support the fact that unsaturated fat (fat from plants) have benefits such as improving your HDL and reducing the risks of heart diseases? I’m no doctor or nutritionist but my thoughts are that whilst these fats are essential and not harmful…they should also be taken in moderation and within the required daily intake. Its VERY easy to consume more fat than you normally need (will touch more about this in the later weeks)

Do you know ? An average …

Vegetarian diet contains 42% fats

Vegan diet contains 42% fats (think non-dairy milks, vegan margarine, vegan packaged food, soy cheese, coconut products etc)

Raw Vegan diet contains 60%+ fats! (easily more if you’re living in a country with easy access to pre-packaged raw snacks, butters, desserts and entree in health food stores)**

**Data take from Dr Graham’s book : The 80/10/10 Diet

I guess what I’m trying to say here is that : I believe in a Raw Vegan diet and have personally benefited from it. But as I’ve come to realise this past year, there is also such a thing as an Unhealthy Raw Vegan diet too. You definitely don’t have to stop eating raw cakes and entrees of course ( God knows I can’t do that!! ) but its best to find a balance so that you don’t over consume your intake of fats and calories.




I’ll be going back to simple, basic raw meals that’ll follow closely to the 801010 diet for the next 3 weeks (7 – 31 Oct). I’ll share my experiences, results, meal intakes, FAQs, tips, health issues etc during this period too. I’ve downloaded the Cron-o-meter app to track the number of calories and nutrients I’ll be getting to make sure I’m not under eating or risk being malnutrition. Drop me a comment if you have any tips/advice or thoughts! =)

My 5 Day Juice Fast with Beauty Cleanse



Early last month, I was thrilled when Beauty Cleanse approached me to sponsor a juice fast.  Beauty Cleanse offers nutritionist designed juice cleanse programs which are 100% raw, vegan and organic!

The offer couldn’t have come at a better timing because I just came back from feasting like a king in London and was already planning to detox for a bit!

So here’s how my Juice Cleanse went!

Before the cleanse –

Like every other type of fast, its important not to dive right into it and give your body the shock of its life. 3 days before I started the cleanse, I prepared my body by consuming lots of raw fruits and vegetables.  If you’re fasting for the first time, I would strongly advice pre-planning your week and clearing your schedule so that you can have lots of rest during this detoxification.

Then for the fun part- I had to choose the type of cleanse plan I wanted, how long I wanted to fast for and whether or not I wanted supplements.

Beauty Cleanse has 3 different types of cleanse plans to target different needs.

–          The Skinny Genes plan (to lose weight and boost your metabolism)

–          The Beauty Boost plan (achieve a radiant complexion and high energy levels)

–          The Bride – Me – Up plan (to obtain that bridal bliss and glow on your big day!)

skinny genes

I choose to go for the Skinny Genes plan for 5 days with supplements to further support the cleansing process.  Read more about the supplements here.

Beauty Cleanse also sent me a Pre-Fast guideline and a Daily Routine Summary as a reference to how and when I should take my supplements and juices throughout the day.



The night before my juice cleanse, the Beauty Cleanse team delivered juices for the first 3 days of my fast to my home.  I was actually quite excited when I saw all the colourful bottles because it looked so pretty!

Here’s a journal log I kept during my 5 day fast.

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DAY 1  Really excited to kick start this detox and well, get back those skinny genes!  The juices come with a  handy size Juice Cleanse booklet which basically guides you through your fast, contains tips on how to get through the day.


So I followed the steps and started off my morning with a glass of warm lemon juice and my supplements. During my previous fasts, I had constipation because I wasn’t consuming any fibre, so this time I opted for the colosan powder to help eliminate waste and cleanse my colons thoroughly. Note* It’s important to start off your fast with a clean colon so that your body can absorb the nutrients much better.


(Above : Spirulina, Flax seed oil, Liver supplemets and Acai berry supplements)

I stirred in 1 TBS of colosan powder with my morning juice and was expecting myself to run to the toilet but nothing happened. Oh well maybe I have superman colons :X

The day went pretty smoothly, no cravings or hunger pangs whatsoever. In fact, I was pretty full and couldn’t even finish all 6 bottles for the day. The juices were delightful though! My favourites were definitely the green juices (made using kale!)  and cashew milk YUMYUM. The beetroot juice with red cabbage was probably the hardest for me to drink but I gulped it down with my supplements.


DAY 2 – Woke up feeling pretty much the same as Day 1 but surprisingly not hungry at all. I followed my morning ritual of lemon juice and supplements but this time, I took 2.5 TBS of colosan powder since the 1 TBS didn’t have any effect on me. But do note that this is because I have chronic constipation and sometimes even powerful laxatives don’t work on me!


After around 2- 3 hours, the effect took place. I don’t want to gross you out but well, I eliminated alot of waste throughout the day. I’ve been taking laxatives since I was young, so believe me when I say that this is one of the gentlest, least painful forms of colon cleansing that I’ve undergone.

I felt so LIGHT by evening time so I went for 1hr yoga + a 4Km jog.  And no, I didn’t feel weak or dizzy because I wasn’t consuming food. I felt really….clean!

DAY 3– Since I’m currently not working at the moment, a normal day for me starts at 11am. Sometimes even later haha… but today I miraculously woke up at 730am and wasn’t even tired. Can’t remember the last time I needed that little sleep. Was feeling so energetic I brought Oreo out for a morning walk and went for yoga again at night.


I admit, I was initially sceptical about the juices remaining fresh after 3 days…but I was really surprised that the juices tasted as fresh on the third day as on the first day. I think its because Beauty Cleanse uses the awesome cold-pressed Norwalk juicer that maximises nutrients and enzymes and provides oxidation-free juices (aka, my dream juicer!!!)

Plus the bottles are sealed really tight!


No symptons or whatsoever so far….except the familiar fuzzy feeling on my teeth which is slightly annoying.

One thing  to add, one of the juices was a mix of honey  + cayenne pepper and I found it really spicy! Couldn’t really finish the bottles and had to dilute it with water. When the Beauty Cleanse team contacted me to check up on how I was doing, I mentioned this to them and they added less spice for my next batch. So if you find the juices too “bitter” or “unbearable”, the great thing is that you don’t have to suffer in silence because the team can tailor it to make it more palatable for you.

DAY 4  – Woke up feeling a little more tired today. Was out running errands the whole day today and I brought my juices in the cooler bag that was given to me. To be honest, I was worried about how to colosan powder would affect me outside and whether or not my juices would still be nice and cold.

I had to go the toilet more often than usual , like maybe once every 1.5 hours?  Luckily I was in a shopping mall so it wasn’t inconvenient. My juices were also kept cold in that cooler bag for at least half a day. This cooler bag is so useful and not “obiang” at all. I’m still using it to bring all my raw foods out!


Got a bit more lethargic towards the end of the day was dozing off at the bus-stop/in the bus/in the mrt….so I went home early to rest.

Every day, I would receive an email from the Beauty Cleanse team with cleanse tips and encouragement letters. Kinda cool because you feel like someone is actually cheering for you on the sideline =) Oh one interesting thing I learnt about the fast today – One bottle of 500ml juice contains approximately 1KG of fresh, organic produce! So…5 bottles of juices = 5KG worth of living nutrients! So much easier to consume nutrients this way …compared to say eating 5KG worth of salads and fruits!

heart shape by various vegetables and fruits

DAY 5  – Last day of my cleanse…woke up early again but luckily I wasn’t feeling as tired as yesterday.

Have to talk about the main highlight of my day – ran into a friend of mine during yoga and she commented on my sans-makeup face saying that I looked really “alive” and “glowing” and quizzed me about the facial product I was using.  I couldn’t stop looking like this – 😀 !   I actually took a before and after shot of my face (and pores) to show you all the difference….but ALAS I recently changed my phone last week and didn’t backup my photos! Urgh..:(  I had one pimple that was popping out as part of the detoxification process, but other than that, my pores were smaller and my face looked…brigher. So essentially, even though I chose the Skinny Genes plan, I was also getting a Beauty Boost!

beauty cleanse 2

I didn’t get any uncomfortable symptoms or feel extremely sluggish throughout the 5 days. But everyone’s body is different so if you’re on a juice fast and have detox symptoms showing as early as day 2, don’t worry because its perfectly normal. Read more on what I wrote about detox symptons on a previous juice fast.

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I felt that this juice cleanse was such a breeze. It makes a HUGEEEEE difference when you don’t have to shop, wash, chop and juice your produce.  I had so much more time on my hands – no need for visiting the super market (u have no idea how much time this saves me!), conceptualising my juices, prepping my ingredients and most importantly, the hideous task of cleaning your kitchen and washing your juicer.

Beauty cleanse 1

I also wasn’t fantasizing about solid food because I wasn’t anywhere near it.  When I did my previous juice fast , I was surrounded by so much fruits and vegetables (at home & in the supermarket)…and I admit , many times I was very tempted to pop that grape into my mouth or munch on that juicy apple. I guess the theory “out of sight, out of mind” really does work.

Most importantly, does the Skinny Genes plan allow me to wear SKINNY JEANS?  Yeah! I lost around 2kg and felt so light….not alot to some people but for my frame it’s quite a difference. Some people have mentioned that its easy to pile on back the weight after you’ve stop fasting. Well that’s true, since your calorie intake will increase once you start eating normal foods. But its possible to keep off ALL that weight from piling back. Now that your palate has been cleansed, it’s easier to crave healthier foods and the decision is up to you to consciously choose what goes in your body.

beauty cleanse 3

The juice cleanse is a little pricey …but I think it’s definitely worth it if you want a thorough detox and to get your health back on track. Especially so if you lead a busy life or don’t have a clue where to start! Because this cleanse is so convenient, palatable, fuss-free and guided…you won’t have any excuses haha! Would I do this again even if it wasn’t an advertorial? Hell yes I would! So a BIG thank you to Beauty Cleanse for helping me get back on track! =)

** BEAUTY CLEANSE is giving 10% OFF all Juice Cleanse Packages if you book during the month of October 2013!! Seize the opportunity and don’t close the door to good health! ***

To find out more about the Beauty Cleanse packages and prices, visit or check out thier facebook page here.

Pre-Holiday detox – Day 1

eat cleanOne week from now, I’ll be travelling to Penang for a short vacation. And those of you who have been to Penang will agree with me that it is a FOOD HAVEN! So I expect myself to be piggig out quite a bit =SS  Sadly, i piled back all the weight from my juice fast so I needa be a bit more disciplined before I head to the land of street food glory.

Going to start a week of clean eating and exercise for the next 7 days as part of my Pre-holiday detox. Do expect lots of random fasts/detox on my blog ! I really LOVE food and probably have the weakest self control on planet earth, so I try to to do such fasts/detox maybe once every 2 months (or whenever needed) to keep my weight and body in check. I find that it really helps when blog it down as it makes me more accountable and disciplined.

So if you’re planning a holiday or a break, don’t wait for after the vacation to guilt yourself into a detox. Go and a pre-fast and enjoy yourself even more when on vacation!

My Pre-holiday 7 day detox plan
1) EAT clean // lots of fruits and vegetables and nothing fried, processed or heavily seasoned.
2) MOVE for at least 30min daily // If you’re not physcially active, choose your exercise carefully and don’t shock your body. Keep it simple and don’t over exert yourself. Simple excerises like brisk walking, stretching, cycling, swimming will be good.
3) SLEEP early // I personally find that when I lack sleep, I crave unhealthy food and am more likely to go off track because I’m tired and lack motivation.
4) HYDRATE yourself // drink lots and lots of water especially since you’re going to be moving more and it helps to cleanse your system!



Breakfast : 1 large orange + 2 wedges rock melon
Lunch: 1 large plate of salad with guacamole & zucchini hummus ( recipe below )
Tea : 2 wedges rock melon
Dinner: 1 slice of raw blackforest cake + 1 apricot + 1/2 dragon fruit

Exercise : 5km jog (35min) and stretching (10 min)


guacamole and hummus salad


What you’ll need:
1 avocado
1 small red onion, diced
5 – 10 chopped cherry tomatoes
2 stalks of chopped cilatro
1 tsp Lime juice
Salt & pepper to taste

Here’s how : Mash avocado and mix in the rest of the ingredients.

Raw Zucchini Hummus

zuchinni hummus (Previously blogged about a zucchini hummus recipe here, but changed it up abit with a bigger portioning. The result is a more watery texture, but taste just as good.)
What you’ll need
2 medium zucchini
3 garlic cloves
3/4 cup tahini
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp caynnne pepper

Assembling the salad:
What you’ll need:


Lettuce leaves
1 yellow capsicum, Julianne
1 carrot, Julianne
1 grapefruit, cut into wedges
Alfalfa sprouts
Hemp seeds


Assemble the plate as you see fit. Garnish the guacamole with alfalfa sprouts and sprinkle hemp seeds for that protein boost. Drizzle the hummus over the salad or use it as a dip!

Juice Fast day 6 & 7


Day 6

Still high on energy today! Could feel that my skin was cleaner and I even used less foundation =) The day went pretty much like the previous 2 days, made the same juices at work and running on the healthy fuel. In the evening, I went to catch the Aerosmith concert at Gardens By the Bay. May I just add that it was one of the best live concerts I’ve been to!! Steven Tyler still has it and boy I was so amazed that at his age he can still reach those high notes and survive with such flamboyant stamina on stage. Back to topic, I was determined not to break my fast…left work at 6pm and drank a huge 1L worth of green juice to survive for the night. But the concert lasted longer than expected, I finally left Gardens By the Bay at 1130pm after hours of screaming, jumping and rubbing against sweaty bodies. Was soooo famished! My friends and I walked to the food court at Marina Bay Sands and everyone ordered supper. Sadly the fruit juice stall was closed and I was sooooo hungry that I caved. Ate an apple :(. Chewed it really slowly and it tasted like heaven. Oh well, I tried my best!

Day 7

Last day of my fast!! Woke up feeling really tired because of the concert, in fact, my body was actually aching like I did some sorta workout haha. I think today was probably one of the more challenging days during the fast because I was so tempted to eat (Esp after tasting that apple yesterday) and I had to keep reminding myself “ok, last day , almost there, hang in there”. So point to note, if you’re doing a juice fast, try not to eat anything inbetween because it makes it tempts your tastesbuds and makes it harder to stick to the fast thereafter. So glad I made it through the day and I can’t wait for tomorrow! Side track a little, met a few different groups of vegans and vegetarians at the cafe today…and it made my day! Really happy to get to know more like-minded people who share a similar passion for healthier food and conscious living=)



Can’t believe its been a week! I’m proud of myself for persevering through the whole week and sticking to the fast because this was a personal challenge that was really hard for me *pat on back!*

For me, this fast was as much a mental one as a physical one. It took alot of will power and exercising mind over matter to get through the week. With all that spare time on my hands from not preparing my normal meals, I learned to listen to my body more and a few truths about my eating habits and self began to surface. I realised that I’m a classic emotional eater. I don’t eat because I’m hungry…I eat because I’m happy, sad, excited, stressed…and worse of all, bored(gasp)! Some of my bad habits that I never noticed before- how I would involuntarily open the fridge each time I come home, how I NEED to have something to munch when I’m watching tv/shows, how I reach for an icy cold sweet drink after exercise… Funny how what started out as a juice fast became so much more.

Everyone’s body reacts differently to the fast. Here are some advs and disadvs of my fasting experience:

– High energy levels
– Weight loss (around 1.5kg)
– Clearer skin
– Mental clarity
– Better sleep
Another advantage was that my tastebuds have been “reset”. I read that when you’re on the fast, your system reboots itself and you start craving for natural whole foods. Like how I’m craving for fresh fruits and raw foods now!

– Constipation (No fibre perhaps? My coworker on the other hand went to the toilet daily while on the fast)
– Detox symptoms for the first few days…includes insomnia, lethargy and feeling like crap
– Fuzzy teeth
It also limits your social interaction (for me at least). I had to say NO to a few dinners because I didn’t want to make myself feel miserable and my friends feel too awkward over my fast.

Would I do this again? Definately! Who knows, maybe next time around, I may challenge myself to go for 10 days! Overall it has been a great detox expereince and I highly recommend everyone to give it a go! I don’t have the strongest will power, but if i can do it, im pretty sure you can too=) Also wanna thank everyone who has dropped me comments of encouragement throughout my fast….it has motivated me lots!

Now, for an early night and a brand new week tomorrow. Bye!

Juice fast day 5

 Day 5
Today was probably the toughest day of the challenge because I wanted to eat so badly! Something, anything! I wasn’t hungry, just missed chewing, tasting , munching. The very first thing that came to my mind was a juicy, red apple. Like you know, the one in the trailer for Desperate Housewives. To make it harder, I was making raw desserts at work today and it was TORTURE! =(( Had some leftover raw brownies and it took all the will power I had to push the plate away:(

I’m trying not to read my fav food blogs and scrolling through instagram too much because the food pics all look so good and make me miss making food! Can’ wait to get back in the kitchen to try out more recipes once the fast is over.

Physically, still feeling energised and alive. I lost a little bit of weight and feel like my steps are lighter haha. My teeth feel kinda funny though, like a metallic and fuzzy feel? Did some research and it seems like when you’re detoxifying your body, it dumps the waste on your tongue and teeth which is normal. You just need to brush more often. Oh and my skin feels good and I hope I’m not imagining it, but I sense a slight slow =))


Today’s juices
Juice 1 – 1/2 flask = 1/2 grapefruit, 2 oranges, 2 stalks celery, 20 cherry tomatoes, 1 1/2 cucumbers, 15g ginger, 1/2 lemon, 80g parsley, 1/2 red apple

Juice 2 – 1 flask = 500g spinach, 1 cucumber, 2 green apples, 1/2 green capsicum, 1/2 starfruit, 15g ginger, 1/2 lemon, 2 stalks celery, 80g parsley

Juice 3 – Green Eyed Monster (see Day 4)

Others : 1 glass concentrated cold orange juice and 1 glass coconut water

Oreo was curious about my new green friend… he tried to make friends. I gave him a little bit of green juice and he hated it hahaa..end of friendship there and then lol.


As i was doing my research, I was really amazed by the number of people who have done juice fasts and docummented it. Was really inspiring to read through thier blogs and get tips, inspiration and ideas!

Here are some of my favourites:

3 day juice fast – Alison (team member from Lauren Conrad’s blog)
4 day juice fastAlia Almoayed’s blog, where she posts a video on colon cleasing that is an eye opener!
7 day juice fastRory Freedman (author of Skinny Bitch) Gosh she is so funny and honest! I LOL-ed many times!
10 day juice fastEm from The Rawsome Vegan Life. One of my FAV bloggers EVERRRR
21 day juice fast – LOVED this post by Alex de Carvalho. It was so personal,insightful, well written and funny! Could relate to this post the most and I loved how he describes the juice fast as not just a rebooting of the body, but also of the mind and heart.
92 day juice fastSteve Pavlina (the first blog I read that inspired me to try out raw foods!) LOADS of info!

Juice fast day 4

Day 4
It was really hard for me to fall asleep last night. My mind was so active and alert. Finally fell asleep at 4am, after watching episodes of Revenge but woke up a few hours later at 9am today feeling refreshed and full of energy! And I was craving for…JUICE! Today’s my off day so I stayed home the whole day resting and finishing up the entire season of Revenge (awesome finale I must say!). Was intending to nap for a bit in the afternoon but I wasn’t even tried. Went for a light jog in the evening and though my muscles were tight because I haven’t exercised in a while, I felt like I could keep going on and on. Looks like my detox symptoms are subsiding and I’m finally reaping the benefits of the fast !


Juicing on a budget
Yesterday, I went grocery shopping and stopped by a juice counter at Ang Mo Kio to get some juice. I don’t really buy fruit juices outside and was appalled by the prices the juices were going for.

Here’s a rough idea of the price:

Apple + Beetroot+Carrot+ Ginger = S$5.50 (small cup with ice)
Cucumber + Kiwi + Apple = S$5 (small cup with ice)
Celery + Starfruit = S$3.50 (small cup with ice)
Orange juice = S$3
(Prices are all in Singapore dollars)

If you want to upsize your drink and have no ice, you add $0.50 accordingly. In the name of “research” I bought the first and third juice. Was really disappointed because the juices were so diluted! I finished my drink in like 5 min because the cup was mostly filled with ice =(

I don’t mind paying for quality juices, ingredients and food…but I feel that most juice counters (esp those in shopping malls) just milk you with sky high profit margins on their juices. Even those juice stalls in food courts with mediocre juices are getting more and more pricey!

Wanted to show how easy it is to make quality juices at home that won’t burn a hole in your pocket. All you need is a juicer and a fridge! So today, instead of making large pitcher of juices, I created 3 different small portions of juice. All packed with nutrients and all below…. S$5!! (All produce from NTUC. Price will differ if you go to different supermarkets. )

This juice contains many ingredients and its packed with loads of nutrients! Easy on the tastebuds too thanks to the sweetness from the orange and pear. Tomatoes, celery and grapefruit are also great liver cleansers.


3 stalks celery —— $0.40 ($1.55 per pack)
15 cherry tomatoes —— $1 (Around $2.20 for a pack)
1 pear —– $0.44 ($2.20 for 5)
1 orange —— $0.95 ($2.95 for 3.)
1 grapefruit (white) —— $0.60 ($1.80 for 3 on sale)
1 lemon —– $0.37 ($1.85 for 5)
Young ginger, small piece (roughly 1/3 of your pinky finger) —- $0.10 ($1.15 for 1pack)
1 pack parsley —– $0.80
½ cucumber —— $0.25 ($0.45 per cucumber)

 TOTAL : $4.91 (9 ingredients)
Makes 1 ½large glasses (no ice!)

You can’t go wrong with a whole bowl of greens! And hey, you can still stick to your budget when you buy organic vegetables. An alkaline juice, it contains lots of spinach which is excellent in iron, vitamin A, vitamin K and folate. If you find this juice too ‘green’ for you, simply add ½ an apple to it.


200g organic spinach —– $2.10 (1 pack)
40g organic pea sprouts —–$0.49 ($1.95 for a pack of 150g, around ¼ pack)
1 cucumber —— $0.45
1 pack parsley —– $0.80
½ lemon —— $0.19 ($1.85 for 5)
Young ginger, small piece (roughly 1/3 of your pinky finger) —- $0.10 ($1.15 for 1pack)
2 green apples —- $0.80 ($2 for 5)

TOTAL : $4.95 (7 ingredients)
Makes 11/2 large glasses (no ice!)

This juice is so deliciously sweet thanks to the grapes! I loved it so much, I made 2 portions. I diluted it with water and ice though. Grapes provide quick boost of energy, helps in anemia, supports skin ,kidney, liver functions and improves complexion! If having SKII worthy skin isn’t a great day, I don’t know what is haha


250g seedless red grapes —– $1.15 ( $3.35 for 745g or 1/3 pack)
1 grapefruit (white) —— $0.60 ($1.80 for 3 on sale)
15 cherry tomatoes —— $1 (Around $2.20 for a pack)
3 stalks celery —— $0.40 ($1.55 per pack)

TOTAL : $3.15 (4 ingredients)
Makes 1 large glass, and slightly more (no ice!)

Wow, halfway through my juice fast….THREE MORE DAYS!!!

Juice Fast Day 3

2013-05-21 14.20.51

Day 3

I was so exhausted yesterday I slept for 10 straight hours! Woke up feeling slightly more refreshed and lighter! My body took a while to ‘wake up’, was feeling tired and weak as I made my way to work but once I drank my first juice it perked me up and I had this amazing rush of adrenaline the whole day. Didn’t realise I was so active until a coworker commented that I was so full of energy. She was really nice and kept asking me if I wanted to take breaks because I wasn’t eating, but honestly, I really didn’t need to sit down!

Out of the 5 of us at work that started the fast, 3 dropped out of the fast today leaving me and just one more co-worker still in the race. I don’t blame them, it’s actually quite hard to stay on a fast if its your first time and you still have to go about your daily life. Even harder when you’re working in the kitchen! Though we work at one of Singapore’s healthiest kitchens, our staff lunch is quite the opposite haha. Our menu includes things like potato wedges, chicken wings, fried noodles etc….and with food like that at arm’s length, most people caved. Which also brings me back to how I gained so much weight since I started work! I would sneak in a sweet potato wedge here or there (because we have the best wedges ever!)…before i knew it, one piece led to 10 pieces. I was also consuming ALOT of raw desserts – at work and at home. The main ingredient for most raw desserts include high calorie food like nuts, dates and coconut; and a slice of raw cake, though healthier than a normal cake, can contain just as many calories…sometimes even more! SO moral of the story – Don’t eat too much of anything, even the seemingly healthy stuff!

Anyway, back to the fast, there were a few moments today where I caught myself thinking “Can I do this”, “Why am I doing this” etc;…but to motivate myself, I try not to think about what I’m giving up, instead I try to think about what I’ll gain from this. Plus blogging about the fast also helps because I feel accountable to you guys reading this =)


Today’s juices

 Juice 1- Ruby Red (see day 1) but i only made 3/4 pitcher

 Juice 2- Dirty Green : 3/4 pitcher = 1 green apple, 20g parsley, small piece of beet root, 1 carrot, 450g kailan, 15g ginger, 1/3 green capsicum, 1 1/2 cucumber, 1/2 lemon

 Juice 3- One glass of carrot + orange

 Juice 4- One glass of celery + starfruit

 Others – TWG Japanese Sencha Herbal Green Tea & 2 glasses of coconut water

As promised, here’s the JUICE FAST FAQ PART II

1) How much juice should I drink a day?

It depends on you, but you should minimally consume 1 Gallon (3.7L) of juice a day. Do make sure 80% of it is green juice, not simply fruit juices though! Oh and do drink as much water as juice.

2) Do I need to buy organic produce?

Its recommended to do so since you’re consuming it raw. Plus, your body is detoxifying itself, so why add additional pesticides for it to rid off? But when $$ is a factor, you might not be able to buy everything organic as its quite a strain on the wallet. I make it compulsory to buy my vegetables organic but am abit more lax when it comes to fruits. Check out this chart below on the best and worse food to buy organic and non-organic.

3) Do I need to peel the skin off all the fruits and vegetables before I juice? Can I juice the skins of citrus fruits?

I tend to peel off the skin for most of my fruits and vegetables especially if they are non organic so that i reduce my consumption of toxic chemicals. And also to get rid of wax! Esp so for cucumbers (urgh bitter taste!), carrots, celery and apples.


4) Will I get sufficient nutrients when I’m fasting?

I’m not a doctor in this field so its a little hard to advice, but personally, i still take my supplements when I’m fasting to make sure I’m not lacking in any nutrients or vitamins. I take Spirulina tablets every morning (B12 !!) and a multivitamin.

5) Can I exercise during the fast?

You can do light exercise during the fast. The definition of light exercise is probably different for everyone based on their active level, so the most important thing is to listen to your body and don’t overexert yourself. in Don’t try to be hero and train for a marathon during your fast!

6) I have no time to fast! Any tips on fasting when you’re super busy??

You can pack your ingredients the night before (wash, sliced, chopped) so all you need to do is juice when you wake up! Wake up slightly earlier the day you’re juicing and juice produce of high water content to get more liquid.

Fellow instagrammer and blogger Lynsey (@Freakyfreaky) asked if we can freeze the juice. I did some research and some people do that but the tricky part is freezing it immediately after juicing without letting any oxygen get in. Would still recommend that if you’re freezing the juice, just keep the frozen juice for not more than a day – say juice at night and defrost it the next morning. After all, no use drinking juice if the nutrients have been oxidised right!

7) Who should not be fasting?

If you’re pregnant, nursing or have a serious health condition, its advisable not to fast. Or at least check with your doctor before you do.

8) What can I do with my excess juice pulp?

Don’t throw your pulp away! There’s so much you can do with it! I normally freeze my pulp so that I can make raw bread or crackers. If you’re not into such things, you can do your part for the earth by reusing them as compost or give them to your pets.

9) I don’t think I can do a full juice fast, can I do something easier?

If you’re not ready to jump head first into a juice fast, you can always start by replacing one meal with a large green juice. Would definitely recommend breakfast as it’s always good to have juice on an empty stomach. For the rest of the day, you can opt to eat more fruits and lots of greens whilst staying away from anything processed, fried or with too much salt.

Read Part 1 of my Juice Fast FAQs here . And tomorrow (oops, i mean later,…gasp!) I’ll be writing on how to juice on a budget! Stay tuned =)

Juice Fast Day 2

ready set juiceDay 2
I’ve read some juice fast testimonies and many people seem to feel refreshed and energised on day 2. Welllll, its my second day but contrary to what I’ve read, I feel more tired than ever! Was a torture getting out of bed and I was struggling to keep awake while driving to work. I literally felt WEAK. surprisingly I didn’t really feel hungry, just tired. Worked at a much slower pace today, luckily the restaurant wasn’t crowded. Drank lots of water to stay hydrated, as a result, had to visit the toilet to pee every hour lol. S My coworker was also feeling freaking weak today, and managed to get through my 8hr shift by us joking and laughing about our mental and physical state. Went for hot yoga after work with a friend. nearly DIED! So there’s this pose where you just lie on the mat with your eyes closed and arms by your side. I FELL ASLEEP, even drooled a little. Luckily i didn’t snore!! It was so embarrassing but luckily no one noticed ><!!

Today’s juices

Juice 1 – Ruby Red (same as day 1)
Juice 2 – Mean Green (same as day 1)
Tea break – 1 large glass coconut water
Juice 3 – Cucumber + celery + green apple + carrot
Other – Chamomile tea

Changed the order of my juice because I’ve learnt that you should take your high sugar juices in the morning to kickstart your day and also so that your body can burn off the calories throughout.

I know i promised to write about FAQs part 2, but I’m the girl who just fell asleep and drooled in yoga class, so cut me some slack hehehe…I promise I shall continue that portion tomorrow!

Before I end, just wanted to share a little about detox symptoms and why we experience them. Lifted this paragraph off Raw Food Life’s website

“Feeling Worse Before You Feel Better.


When you first start a raw food program, especially with juicing, your body finally has a chance to get rid of some of the toxins it has been holding onto for years or decades. In addition, you probably stopped getting your daily “fix” such as coffee, tea, or chocolate. So a variety of symptoms might occur. You may experience headaches or migraines, for example. Some people feel like they have a cold or the flu. You may feel weak and exhausted. This happens when your new healthier body discards the stored up toxins like caffeine or theobromine from your tissues and dumps them in your bloodstream for disposal. Until now, your immune system and elimination systems couldn’t keep up with the toxic intake you had daily from cooked food. When you consumed more toxins than you could eliminate, the rest got stored in your body, usually surrounded by fat cells to protect the body (one of the reasons some people get overweight). Now that your toxic intake is LESS than your body can eliminate, it can start eliminating those old stored-up toxins. This leads to better health as well as some weight loss. However, at first it can make you feel sick, because all those toxins in your bloodstream suddenly are just like an attack of a virus or infection, and your immune system may react to them in the same way. It is a natural thing and is OK.

When you have these symptoms, do not give up. Your body is going through a healing and cleansing process, which on average can take from one week to maybe 3 or 4 weeks, depending on the toxicity level in your body. Take this time to rest, and look forward to improved health and energy health ahead. ( i sure hope it doesn’t take that long.,…)

You can check out this link on juice fast detox symptoms too!

2 days down, 5 more to go. I CAN DO THIS I CAN I CAN!!