Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven’t been posting much recently! Been settling into my new job and getting used to the 9 – 5 lifestyle …so not much action in the kitchen. But i promise I’ll be back with more posts once I’m more settled in!

Anyway, am excited to share about an upcoming event  – a VEGAN XMAS PARTY! Will be hosting it together with fellow vegans Yi Shuai and Ting Ting so do join us!

Just a little background about how I came to know Ting Ting and Yi Shuai –  When I first started being vegetarian, i didn’t know any one in my social circle who had the same eating habits as I did. It was a little lonely and awkward at times …especially during large social gatherings! I was really blessed to come across Yi Shuai’s instagram account a year ago and I remembered thinking to myself “OMG,another Singaporean!” . Through Yi Shuai , I got introduced to Ting Ting and so many more people who share similar passions and beliefs as I did. This journey has definitely gotten more enjoyable and supportive through such new found friends=)


Whether your vegan, vegetarian, trying to eat clean or simply someone who wants to know more about this lifestyle, you’re all welcomed to join! Its a great way to meet new people and try a spread of vegan food. Especially some of your who have been following my blog for a while, it’ll be nice to meet in person =)

So sign up at this link or drop either of us a text/comment and we’ll see you there!

> Ps/ Its a pot luck , so bring something enough of 5 – 6 people to share. And yes, it has to be vegan =P

> PPs/ We’ll be having a small gift exchange, so just bring along a small gift. Doesn’t need to be expensive please!